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The End Of The White Australia Policy

The End of the White Australia Policy

The Holt Government's Role

In 1966, the Holt government introduced measures that were the first major steps towards ending the long-held White Australia policy. These measures included the elimination of the White Australia policy from the Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 and the introduction of a new immigration policy that was based on race and skill rather than race alone.

The Holt government's measures were a significant turning point in the history of the White Australia policy. They marked the beginning of the end of this racist policy and paved the way for a more inclusive and diverse Australia.

The Immigration Restriction Act of 1901

The Immigration Restriction Act of 1901 was fundamental legislation of the new Commonwealth of Australia. It effectively halted all non-white migration to Australia and was based on the White Australia policy. The act was introduced by Attorney-General Alfred Deakin on 12 September 1901.

The White Australia policy was a key part of Australia's immigration policy for over 50 years. It restricted non-white immigration and resulted in the exclusion of many people from Australia.
